My Son’s Roommate Page 10
They made love again in the bathtub, the hot water high enough to threaten spilling out onto the floor. Shanna rode on top and took it very slowly. The feel of the hot water was incredible, cleansing her as she rode his shaft down and draining back away as she lifted up again.
Her orgasm was slow as well—a delicious counterpoint to their earlier frenzies. Her pussy tightened hard on his cock as the climax began and she rode out the waves of pleasure, slowly rocking on top of him. She started riding again, easing up and down, back and forth, dragging her full nipples through the hot water over his chest, patiently building her next orgasm.
Dave’s ejaculation was equally calm and just as satisfying. The fourth time she climaxed vice-like around him an answering burst of heat fired into her from his cock. She could feel the semen moving up his shaft to squirt into her vagina and when both orgasms gradually passed, she lay in his arms in the still warm water, enjoying his youth and his strength and the semi-hard cock still wedged inside of her.
They dressed for dinner, Shanna in a silk robe and nightgown and Dave in a pair of pajama pants without underwear. They weren’t certain how much time they had left and it seemed best to be ready.
While Shanna rehabilitated the pot roast, Dave carefully cleared the remains of their love-making from the dining room and the kitchen floor. Then, Shanna sat on Dave’s lap and they fed each other mouthfuls of dinner. She was totally peacefully at home with her lover, as happy and content as she had felt in years.
It was too bad it would all have to end soon.
“I think we should say our goodbyes tonight,” Shanna told him. “We probably won’t have any privacy tomorrow.”
“Why don’t we just tell them?” Dave said. “Sure it will be awkward at first, but we’re all adults.”
She silenced him with her kiss. When their lips parted, she reminded him of her concern. “I’m not ready for my children to know. Maybe I will be someday, but now I am not.”
She thought he would protest, but he apparently reconsidered the impulse and said nothing.
“I don’t know if I will see you again,” she continued. In truth, she didn’t know if she should see him again, but she definitely knew that she wanted to.
“I love you, Shanna,” Dave told her. “I don’t want to leave things here. We deserve to be together.”
“Oh, Dave,” Shanna said. “How are we going to do that?”
“We’ll start with you taking my number,” he said. “I’ll program it into your phone. Maybe I can get up here some weekends. Maybe we can meet somewhere else. I’m not willing to give up what we’ve found and I don’t believe you want to either.”
That was true, She admitted to herself. “I’m just trying to be practical,” she said.
“Fuck practical!” Dave said.
“No, fuck me instead,” She told him.
She slid out of his lap and pulled his cock out of his pajamas. It was irrepressible, already hardening before she sought to stir it with her tongue.
She took her time as she had in the tub, licking him, stoking him, calling his tired penis back to life. Then she climbed back into his lap and rode her lover for what she genuinely thought would be the final time.
The front door closed and Bobby staggered into the room. Shanna was reclining on the couch and Dave was sitting across from her in a chair. He hadn’t been happy about the distance separating them, so she rewarded his good behavior with occasional flashes of her flesh beneath her robe and nightgown.
Bobby looked both sick and happy —utterly exhausted and probably drunk. He didn’t see his mother at first. “Dave, glad you’re still up. I’ve just had my-”
Bobby broke off suddenly as he caught sight of Shanna. “Oh, hi Mom, I didn’t realize you were in here.”
He turned back to Dave. “Can I talk to you for a moment?”
Dave got up and accompanied Bobby back into the foyer. She strained to hear, but all she could make out from Bobby were the words incredible and help. All she caught from Dave was the loud exclamation: unfucking believable!
They continued talking for several moments when Dave’s voice suddenly became comprehensible again. “Sounds great!” he said. “Why don’t we ask your Mom if she minds?”
Bobby leaned back into the living room. “Hey, Mom, do you mind if Dave comes back to visit after Christmas? We’ve got three weeks off that he really doesn’t want to spend at home.”
Shanna’s nipples instantly began to harden at the suggestion. Her pussy tingled and a wide grin threatened to overtake her mouth. “Spend winter break with us?” she asked. “I think that sounds wonderful.”
What Bobby Was Doing
“Well hello,” Loren greeted Bobby, “I was wondering if you would have the balls to come back. A lesser man would be intimidated.”
Bobby swallowed the lump in his throat and stepped in the door beside Loren. He hoped she couldn’t see how nervous she had made him. Last night, she had brought him off to three incredible orgasms. He was dying to know what she had in store for him today.
Bobby was a nineteen year old college student home on Thanksgiving break. He’d played football in high school and had a broad strong chest and shoulders. His skin was dark mahogany and his hair was cropped very short.
Loren was both his next door neighbor and his mother’s best friend—at least forty years old. She had an exciting petite body with creamy white skin and tawny hair. Bobby had been obsessed with her for years, peaking in her windows, looking for a forbidden glimpse of that skin. Every girl he had ever fucked, he’d gone after because she looked like Loren, and last night he discovered that his fantasies were timid compared to her glorious reality.
Loren closed her front door and stood appraising Bobby. She was dressed in a light linen robe and quite possibly nothing else. He could see the imprint of her nipples and her bush through the thin fabric. His cock was already tingling in response.
“Are you sure you’re up to this?” she asked him.
“I…yes,” he rasped. His mouth was so dry it was hard to form words.
Loren’s lips turned upward in amusement. “Let’s just go over the rules so you can be certain,” she said.
Bobby found himself shifting his weight from foot to foot. He wanted to take control, to impress her, but he felt like a schoolboy who couldn’t put in a word.
“Last night was about your pleasure,” she said. “I gave you a taste of true ecstasy and then I let you go. Did you enjoy yourself?”
“Yes,” he answered, wondering if this was a trick question. Why else did she think he was back here?
“Were you satisfied?” she asked.
“God, yes!”
“Good,” she said, “but you should be aware that while I enjoyed pleasuring you I was not nearly satisfied by our encounter.”
Bobby felt dumbstruck. “I thought you came,” he told her.
“Oh, I did,” she agreed, “several times in fact. But that doesn’t mean I was satisfied.”
She looked him up and down, giving him a chance to comment, but he was just barely smart enough not to say anything.
Loren nodded, evidently pleased by this non-response. “If you choose to stay today—and I will give you only one more chance to back out—the entire focus of our time together will be on you satisfying me. You will cum—in fact you will cum quite a lot—but it’s my satisfaction that will govern our activities.”
She reached up and grasped his dark chin in her tiny white hand to make certain he was looking directly into her eyes. “That means you keep fucking me until I say we’re done!”
He didn’t understand what all the fuss was about. Of course that was all right, and the sooner they got started the better. That slight nervousness he felt in facing his mother’s friend was all that was keeping him from ripping that little robe off of her, throwing her to the floor, and starting to fuck her right then and there.
“Whatever you say,” he told her. “I just want to fuck you again.”
“Good,” she acknowledged his enthusiasm. That prim little smile was back on her face. “Now take off all of your clothes and give them to me. You can have them back tonight when I decide we’re finished.”
“My clothes?” he asked, puzzled. What did she mean she would give them back when they were finished.
She took a half step closer to him and ran the tips of her delicate little fingers lightly over his chest. “You did plan to get naked, didn’t you? Making it with your dick sticking out of your fly would be fun for a quickie, but it’s sooo limiting when we have all afternoon and evening ahead of us.”
“I, sure,” he said. “Of course I’ll take my clothes off.”
As quick as his word, he wrenched off his T-shirt and kicked off his shoes. His jeans quickly followed. He was dressed commando-style so his thick dark meat immediately popped into view. Loren had been quite impressed with it last night in the dark and Bobby was eager to see her reaction in the light of day.
He was initially disappointed.
Rather than comment on his long thick cock she found fault with the state of his undressing. “And the socks,” she indicated, not even looking at his penis.
Bobby sighed in exasperation and scooped off his socks. His penis continued to harden in front of him.
“Now pick up your clothes and hand them to me,” she told him.
He sighed again before hurrying to comply.
She accepted the bundle. “Now stand right there while I get ready for you.”
He couldn’t believe it. He was standing in her parlor stark naked and she was walking out of the room.
He started to follow.
“Right where you are,” she repeated without turning back to look at him.
“And another thing,” she called back as she disappeared from view. “Don’t touch yourself at all while I’m gone.”
The first thing he did was grab his dick for comfort. What the hell was going on? If she hadn’t made love to him last night he would be certain she was setting him up for a practical joke. Half a dozen of his friends would jump out to laugh at him and to make matters absolutely horrible, his mother and his sister would be among them.
But Loren had made love to him last night. She had called out to him and his best friend, Dave, as they walked home from their evening with Liz and Marcie. Liz was a younger version of Loren, but not nearly as much fun. Things had started out well with both girls prancing around in the Victoria’s Secret lingerie he and Dave had bought for them. Then for some reason Dave had gotten up and left and Liz had freaked out when he had tried to insist on fucking her pussy instead of her mouth.
So he and Dave had walked home and Loren had spotted them through her window and called them up to her door. Dave had proven what a great friend he was by bowing out early and Loren had spent the next several hours making him cum with her mouth, her pussy, and her hands.
It was unbelievably exciting. He’d been masturbating to images of Loren for as long as he could remember and he’d never had the slightest hint that she had noticed him. But three months away at college and Loren had finally recognized that he had become a man.
He stroked himself again, wondering what was taking her so long. How could she keep him standing here naked like this? Last night she hadn’t been so patient. Last night she had his dick in her mouth five minutes after Dave had left. She had led him into her dark living room and stepped up close against him. Her lips were soft and sweet, her breasts slight but firm, and her hands had been amazing as she dropped his pants around his knees and then shoved him over backward on the floor.
Where was she?
“You can come in now,” she told him, appearing suddenly behind him. Bobby whirled around, still holding himself, his cock hardening the instant he saw her.
She had taken the time to dress—sheer pink stockings appeared beneath her robe and high stiletto heels lifted the top of her head to about the level of his chin. Other than the thin robe, he didn’t think she was wearing anything else.
“I thought I told you not to touch yourself,” she reminded him. “You’re going to have to learn to listen or you’ll never get back out of here.”
Bobby didn’t know what to say, so as he had before, he stayed silent.
Loren walked up in front of him. The scent of honey blossoms was in her hair, further arousing him. Careful not to touch his penis, she pulled at his hand until he released himself. Then she used the hand to guide him back the way that she had come, walking through the dining room to the central stair case.
“It’s a shame,” she said, “that your living room and mine look out on each other, but they do and I’m afraid that your mother might catch a glimpse of us through the window. Normally, I wouldn’t mind, but seeing you might ignite the wrong kind of passion within her and I would hate to be interrupted.”
He followed her meekly up the stairs until they came to what in his house were his and his sister’s two rooms. Loren had knocked the wall out between them, turning the space into a guest room complete with a king-sized bed and comfy overstuffed chair.
She went to the chair and sat down in it, sliding her hips forward until her ass perched on the edge of the cushion. Then, she parted the bottom of her robe to expose her stocking-clad legs, pink pussy lips, and sparse tawny bush. “You can start licking me now,” she told him. “Take your time and set the mood.”
Bobby hesitated a moment. Being this close to Loren’s pussy was incredible. He had kissed it last night and fucked it with his cock, but he hadn’t been able to see much in the dark. Now he felt nearly overwhelmed with desire. The puckered pink flesh surrounded by pale white skin—she looked so sweet and vulnerable.
He took a step forward.
“That’s the way,” she encouraged him. “Come make me happy.”
He finished closing the distance and knelt between her legs. His cock was completely stiff, jutting straight out in front of him, and his fingers were actually trembling as he placed them on her soft thighs.
He leaned forward, tongue darting out in front of him and tasted her forbidden flesh. She shuddered and sighed, “Oh my, that’s nice.”
Bobby licked her again, hoping for a taste of her sweet nectar. Then, he ground his lips against her and tried to fuck her with his tongue.
She pushed him away.
“Patience, Bobby, patience,” she said. “You have to learn to set the mood—cultivate a little excitement. Taste my thighs, my anus, my mons—don’t be in such a rush.”
Chastised, he tried again, slowly exploring her flesh, discovering the spots that made her wriggle, learning how to make her squirm with pleasure. When he returned to her lips the sweetness was there, but he restrained himself from diving into it.
“Good, good,” she murmured. Her fingers snaked through his short hair and dragged his head forward until his mouth covered her clitoris. “Gently,” she told him, “gently.”
He licked the nub of flesh through the twisted strands of her bush. Her fingers tightened in his hair, then gradually relaxed again.
Bobby licked more, finding the rhythm that encouraged Loren’s spasms. On the third time, he sucked her whole clitoris into his mouth just as her fingers tightened above him.
Her whole body quietly shook. Then she slowly released him and closed her eyes. “That was nice,” she said, “a little appetizer before the first course of our meal. Now stick your dick in me before I completely lose the feeling.”
He rubbed the head of his penis against her soft pink lips, smearing them with the foretaste of his excitement. He couldn’t see well in the darkness when he fucked her last night, but now his roaming eyes took in everything. Loren’s damn robe was still knotted at the belt and covered her little breasts, but her stomach, her pussy, and her thighs with those pink stockings were all wide open to his inspection. Her mousy brown hair was thin over her clit but hung long and full down around her shoulders.
He entered her, watching carefully as the head of his dark
rod slowly disappeared from view. Her breath grew audible for a moment, that hitch the only sign that she felt what he was doing.
He pushed deeper, enjoying the tight heat of her pussy. There was no other sensation quite like it—not even Liz’s small mouth. He began to pump, using his hips, trying to establish a rhythm. Loren adjusted her position beneath him and he was suddenly banging away to the hilt.
“Easy there,” she warned him, “go slow, build the tempo.”
That was damn easy for her to say, Bobby thought, but he was the one doing the work. He was the one who had to hold back when all his cock wanted was to fuck away with utter abandon.
Loren’s neck was slightly flushed and her hand slipped into her robe near her breast. Bobby wanted to see what she was doing, so he tugged the flaps of her robe the rest of the way open, leaving only the tied belt stretching across Loren’s middle.
She was cupping her right breast, the little cherry nipple pointing upward. She didn’t have enough tit to fuck, but Bobby found her breasts exciting just the same.
“Slow down,” she told him, but Bobby ignored her.
His hips were pumping wildly. His dick was swelling with cum.
“I want to cum first!” she told him, spitting out the words through gritted teeth.
He was getting to her. Damn it all if he wasn’t getting to her. He leaned over the chair and tried to pump faster. She was taking him to the hilt and he needed to explode.
“Not yet!” she hissed, clearly understanding what he was doing. Her hand left her breast to rub her clit furiously through her bush.
Her knuckled brushed his groin and his dick shot its load.
He pulled out immediately and pumped his cum between her breasts. The milky white semen landed in a long line across her pale flesh, marking her as his.
A second stream fired, just missing her tit. Then a third landed less forcefully, falling across the hand on her clit.
Loren never stopped fingering herself, vibrating her fingers on her swollen button to finish the orgasm he had left dangling. “God damn!” she cursed as the tremors finally burst through her. Her hand clamped down on her pussy, squeezing tightly until the urgency ebbed.