My Son’s Roommate Page 11
She lay back in her chair again, breathing hard, silently berating his failure with her eyes. Pulling three tissues from the box next to her, she began to clean his cum off her flesh. When she was finished, she stood up and closed her robe. “Let’s go get a drink and let you recharge.”
He felt guilty about having cum too soon. “We can do it again,” he told her. “I’m still hard.”
“But for how long?” she asked him. “A hard cock after sex is like the erection men get when they wake up in the morning—it looks awfully impressive but it’s not built to last.”
“I can do it,” he insisted.
Her features softened for a moment and she stepped up against his body. His still hard cock poked at her, staining her robe with the oozing remains of his ejaculation. She ran her fingernail beneath his right pectoral. “Of course you can, Bobby, that’s why I let you back in here today. Come downstairs with me, we’ll have a drink and then you can fuck me again.”
He put his arms on her hips and ground her against his penis. “Why not right now?” he said.
“Because nothing is less satisfying than having a guy go limp when he’s fucking you,” she told him.
She stepped out of his embrace and headed back down the stairs.
Loren made two screwdrivers.
At least, he thought they were both screwdrivers but he couldn’t taste any alcohol in his drink. He carried his glass back to the counter and picked up the bottle of vodka.
“No,” she told him.
“Alcohol helps me relax,” she told him, “but it makes your dick weak.”
Bobby put down the bottle feeling more than a little depressed and uncertain. Why was he letting Loren tell him what to do?
She answered his unspoken question by walking over to him. She was sexy as hell in those pink stockings and white robe. He would do anything to get in that sweet pussy again, or to feel her mouth go down on him. His fingers were almost twitching to explore her body.
She seemed to be reading his mind. From eight inches away she loosened her robe on her shoulders and then guided his hand inside it to her breast. Bobby instantly began to squeeze and massage the soft flesh while she watched his face with a quirky smile on her lips.
Her breast was just large enough to fill his hand. Her nipple was a hard bud between his thumb and forefinger.
Loren sipped her screwdriver and began to fondle him, first cupping his balls and then stroking his dick. He got hard almost instantly, squeezing harder on her tit, trying to make her respond to him.
She took a long swig of her drink and held the liquid in her mouth while she set the glass on the counter. Then she used the newly freed hand to pull his face down to hers so she could pass the screwdriver up into his mouth. While the orange juice burned its way down Bobby’s throat, she hauled herself up on his body and impaled herself on his cock.
Bobby gasped in shock and pleasure, afraid that he would cum instantly and disappoint her again. Her arms were around his neck, her knees locked against his thighs, and her sweet little breasts were rubbing against him as she began to ride.
He jerked open her robe to intensify the contact—letting her bare nipples graze up and down against his flesh.
She was so damn good! So incredibly tight! He began to thrust himself up against her as she rode his shaft down.
Both of them were breathing in large ragged gasps. His fingers dug into her cheeks, eliciting her first genuine moan.
Her pussy tightened around his cock. Her breasts rubbed harder against his chest. Her teeth found a spot on his neck just above the collar bone. His cock swelled harder, preparing to explode.
“Not yet, damn you! Not—oh yes!”
Loren’s pussy shuddered around his steely flesh, exciting Bobby beyond anything she had yet done to him. He bit his lip and thrust harder, ramming his dick to the hilt in her cunt. She half slipped off his hip, grinding his long rod even deeper inside her. Her arms tightened, strangling him in her passion. Her climax geared up ever higher.
He flipped her around and set her down on the counter. His swollen penis was aching to shoot his load. He took a moment to steady both of them and then began pumping into her tight spasming flesh. The sight of his dark meat disappearing between those pink lips further energized him. His dick popped free but she pushed it down again, trying to keep him inside her trembling pussy.
“That’s it!” she told him. “One more time! Just like-”
A series of shudders wracked her body, squeezing him back out from between her thighs. The intense slippery friction triggered Bobby’s own climax. His cock skimmed across Loren’s clit and into her sparse bush, spurting a torrent of semen ahead of it.
He thrust again, jabbing her belly with his long rod, shooting more cum up on to her breasts. Then he ground his stomach up against hers, trapping his cock between their bodies, crushing her breasts with his chest, and smearing his spilt semen between them.
Loren hugged him back, fiercely grinding her lower lips on Bobby’s meat. Her fingers tightened as another climax shook her pussy and contracted the muscles throughout her body. She didn’t cum like Bobby’s girlfriend at school—Toni liked to announce her passion, screaming out her excitement so the whole dorm would know her man had made her cum again. Loren’s orgasms were exactly the opposite experience—small contained explosions, which shook her body, but never quite broke her reserve. Where Toni thrashed about in wild abandon, Loren pulled in on herself, or hugged him tighter as she was doing now.
They held each other fast for several minutes while his penis calmed and shrank and her body gradually stopped trembling.
He was saddened when she eventually released him, but excited when she touched the smears of cum on her body and began to smear it further across her flesh. “I think I need a shower,” she announced.
Bobby grinned.
“Not that kind of shower,” she told him. “We can do that later this evening. No, I just need to clean myself.” She flashed a very sexy smile. “But you can watch me if you’d like.”
Bobby’s well-satisfied dick twitched at the prospect.
“Would you hang this on the hook behind you?”
Loren slipped out of her white linen robe and handed it to Bobby. She made the gesture look completely natural, but with those stiletto heels and pink stockings she was the sexiest vision he could imagine. His semen continued to stain her flesh. He could see it plainly on her breasts and stomach and in her pubic hair, and the sight was making him hard again.
She sat down on a fuzzy toilet seat cover and lifted one of her sexy legs. Her eyes were on his dick, silently measuring the power of his coming erection. “That looks promising,” she complemented him. “Keep that up and I’ll alter my plans.”
She slipped the stiletto heel from her foot and slowly rolled the stocking down her leg.
Bobby’s cock thumped happily.
She repeated the actions on her other leg, first removing the shoe and then rolling down the stocking. She clearly liked the way he watched her but she made no movement toward his body.
When she finished, she stood up and leaned over the tub to start the shower. Her pussy peeked out slightly beneath her tight white ass. Bobby started to take a step forward but restrained himself.
He wanted to see what Loren had in mind.
When the water was just the right temperature, she stepped into the tub beneath the spray. She did not close the curtain, giving him an unrestricted view as the hot water washed over her face, soaked her long brown hair, and ran in rivulets down her breasts and stomach before converging between her thighs. Within moments, her flesh was brightening from the heat, turning first pink and then a sexy rosy hue. Steam began to fill the bathroom, fogging the mirror and warming Bobby’s naked flesh.
Loren picked up a bar of soap and began to work a lather in her hands. Sh
e no longer gave any evidence that she knew Bobby was watching her. She closed her eyes and washed her face and neck, and then re-lathered her hands and began to concentrate on her breasts, chest, and stomach. She caressed herself with her soapy fingers, paying special attention to her pert little nipples.
Bobby began to stroke himself. It was amazing to him how easily she got him hard. He’d already cum twice and a third erection was generally difficult to come by. Toni didn’t usually want him this long. She was loud and wild the first time around and often game for round two, but on those rare occasions she’d been willing to try for a third session they hadn’t found it easy to restore his erection. She’d used her hands, her mouth, her breasts, and her bush, but three raging hard-ons was a lot of performance to get out of a man.
Loren took another tact entirely. Rather than directly stimulate him, she’d found other ways to rekindle his passion. It wasn’t like Bobby thought she was disinterested—he knew Loren wanted to fuck him again—but there she stood caressing herself in the shower…pretending he wasn’t even in the room…soaping her sweet little breasts… she had to know how crazy she was driving him.
Even as he watched, Loren’s fingers slid south and began to soap her pussy. She built a lather in her bush, scrubbed at her lower lips, and then settled down to the ultra sexy task of masturbating for him.
His dick got harder. It was actually sore from use and he didn’t give a damn. He was ready to fuck her again, just as soon as she started cumming.
Loren trembled, almost losing her balance.
Bobby moved forward, leaning into the warm spray and wrapping his arm around her back.
She collapsed against his muscular chest, her fingers still moving on her swollen clit beneath the hot shower spray. Bobby slipped his strong dark fingers beneath Loren’s pale hand and began to rub her hot, soapy clitoris.
“Oh, yes,” she muttered, before swallowing hard on a shudder. “Oh, yes, Bobby, oh, yes!”
She came hard against his hand, shuddering with pleasure, squeezing him tight in her arms. He kept right on rubbing, while simultaneously locking his lips on top of hers and trying to steal her breath. He felt so powerful, so strong. His woman was cumming at his command. The hot spray of the shower beat down on their chests and stomachs and there seemed to be no end to her orgasms.
Then Bobby thought of a way to make this even better.
He picked her quaking body up in his arms and lowered her down onto his thick erection.
Her climaxes immediately intensified and she wrapped her soapy arms and legs tight around his torso. Her wet quivering flesh was squirming all over him as she began to whisper encouragement past her orgasms. “Oh, yes, that’s the way, oh Bobby, fuck me, fuck me hard!”
Bobby needed no encouragement. He thrust wildly up into her pussy, thrilling in the feel of her slippery body. Her arms and legs locked more tightly around him, but she was too slippery to stop sliding on his flesh. Her body was on fire and her orgasms continued to intensify. She rocked, twisted, and ground herself on his rigid cock as spasm after spasm exploded out of her hot, wet cunt.
He staggered about the bathroom, carrying her impaled on top of him. He didn’t know how he remained standing—all that mattered was that sweet slippery body and that tight little pussy bent on strangling his cock.
Bobby’s own ejaculation was as painful as it was exciting. His balls tightened beneath them and his swollen penis seemed to bark three times. Semen burned up out of him, ripping a passage through his dick’s swollen eye. It was utterly completely fantastic. He finally settled against the bathroom sink with her nestled tightly in his arms.
“Would you like some desert,” Loren asked Bobby.
She was half dressed in a deep purple robe, stockings, and another pair of heels. It was yet another completely new experience for him. Before today, he had thought that nudity was what was exciting, but he was learning that eroticism was much more subtle than that. The shimmer of silk across Loren’s skin, her posture as she posed in her stilettos, the way her stocking-clad knee could peek out of the robe or that her pert little nipples stood out against the silk—these were far more exciting than a simple look at her naked body. She’d been making his cock stir since the moment she had slipped the new clothes on—and that was saying plenty for a man who’d already cum three times.
They had taken a break for dinner: hot oyster and crab cakes for him and a vegetable tray for her. She had a taste for long carrots, sucking suggestively on the ends while her eyes told him what she really wanted in her mouth. It was too bad his flesh was no longer up to his desires. Had Bobby been able to get hard he’d have taken her again right here on the table.
“Desert sounds fine,” he told her.
When she rose from the table, her robe was closed by the sash. When she turned back from the refrigerator it was open, revealing her breasts, pussy, and inner thighs. Her labia were red and swollen from their lovemaking. Her nipples were puckered and proud from the refrigerator’s cool caress.
In her right hand was a can of Reddi-wip. In her left, a particularly large and juicy strawberry.
As Bobby watched, Loren placed the strawberry between her legs and inserted it deep between her labia. Then she took the can of Reddi-wip and sprayed whip cream onto each of her nipples and in a long “Y” shape from her breasts to her clit and straight down the line between her red labia.
“Come eat me, Bobby,” she invited him.
Bobby did not wait for a second invitation. He scrambled to his bare feet and hurried over in front of her. The refrigerator door was still open and the cold air wrapped itself around his body easing the discomfort in his poor abraded cock.
Loren lifted herself up on the tips of her toes and kissed him. The whip cream on her nipples made white dots on his dark chest. Her tongue darted about inside his mouth, playing with his tongue.
When she stepped back she noticed the spots of whip cream on his body and the mischievous little smile quirked her mouth again. “Oops, I seems to have made a little mess,” she told him. “Let me show you how to clean it up.”
She leaned close again and Bobby felt the tip of Loren’s tongue against his skin. She circled the first white spot, cleaning the edges, then scooped the remaining dab of whip cream onto her tongue and straightened up so he could see her swallow it.
Then, she repeated the procedure, daintily exploring his flesh and teasing his hard dark skin.
“Now it’s your turn,” she told him.
Bobby was ready, crouching down to clean each of Loren’s delicate little nipples. He had never understood why most men seemed to prefer large breasts when what he had before him here was so obviously the work of heaven. There was more than enough flesh to prove Loren’s femininity, but not so much that they couldn’t keep their shape no matter what she was wearing. Sure larger breasts had their compensations, but these works of beauty completely fulfilled Bobby’s needs.
The refrigerator door was still open and the resulting cold air further puckered Loren’s nipples as Bobby’s warm tongue cleaned them. They stood proudly at attention, glistening from his kisses, testifying to how much she desired him.
He began to work lower, sinking to his knees as he cleaned the whipped cream from Loren’s stomach. The taste was certainly pleasant, but it was her delicate white flesh that captivated and excited him. It was soft but firm, and after a long day of restraining her responses, she was finally relaxing enough to share with him just how much she enjoyed his touch—a little sigh, a hitch in her breathing, a delicate caress through his short hair—all signs that he was getting to her and earning a place as her man.
Bobby reached Loren’s tawny bush. The cream was thicker here and he was growing impatient. Loren’s treasures were only inches away and he wanted to get to them. Her little clit was a hard red protrusion of engorged need and she actually gasped when he consumed it. Her pussy began to gyrate in anticipation.
The cream on Loren’s lips was flavored with her
nectar and the sweet juices of the strawberry. Bobby forced himself to slow down so they could both fully enjoy his discovery. His hands slid up beneath her purple robe to grab her ass as his tongue continued to make her quiver.
She began to moan, but the sound was interrupted by an erratic hitch in her breathing as her whole body shuddered with increasing energy.
Bobby’s tongue touched the strawberry and he attempted to work it loose, but it was wedged fully inside of her body. He was forced to change tactics, covering Loren’s lower lips with his own and sucking hard at the stubborn piece of fruit.
Sweet juices squirted into his mouth—and not just from the strawberry.
Loren shuddered again. Both of her hands were on his head now, steadying herself against the approaching climax.
Bobby sucked harder and the strawberry edged toward him.
“Oh, my,” she whispered.
He increased the pressure, sucking ever harder.
“Oh, my,” she said again.
He almost had it now. He pressed his mouth even tighter against her pussy and sucked for all that he was worth. As the fruit shot into his mouth, Loren screeched happily and collapsed on top of himself. The strawberry had been marinated in her excitement and as its juices dribbled down his chin, he suddenly realized how intensely, painfully, hard he had become.
He pushed Loren so her back was on the floor, spread her thighs and thrust his rekindled erection all the way inside her. One long, incredible motion and he was grinding his dick against the back of Loren’s vagina.
She screamed in excitement, possibly cumming right there. Bobby was too intent on the conflicting sensations in his cock to be certain. Fucking Loren’s tight cunt was actually painful for his sore dick, but it was the most incredibly exciting pain he had ever imagined. He pulled back, actually popping free of her wonderful body, then thrust himself deep inside her again.